Focus points:
- structure of thin films of organic semiconductors: crystal structure and texture, surface/interface roughness, islands formation
- influence of growth parameters and thin film substrate on the film structure
- effect of post-growth annealing
- effect of molecular mixing → phase separation?, unlimited mixing?, formation of a molecular compound?
Case studies:

Crystal growth of para-sexiphenyl on clean and oxygen reconstructed Cu(110) surfaces – determination of molecular pattern in ultra-thin films.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 14675–14684
Island size evolution and molecular diffusion during growth of organic thin films followed by time-resolved specular and off-specular scattering – determination of thickness dependent effective activation energy of molecular island nucleation (molecule diindenoperylene).
Phys. Rev. B 90, 045410 (2014)
Employed experimental techniques:
- X-ray scattering techniques: X-ray specular reflectivity and coplanar and grazing incidence (i.e. surface sensitive) X-ray diffraction, grazing incidence small angle scattering, and AFM
- in-situ time-resolved X-ray scattering experiments during organic molecular beam deposition (on synchrotrons in cooperation with University of Tübingen)
and during sample annealing
Past work done with :
- group of Prof. Dr. F. Schreiber (Physics of Molecular and biological materials), University of Tübingen, Germany
- group of Prof. Dr. R. Resel at Institute of Solid State Physics, Technical University Graz, Austria