Former news
- Spring 2023: Seminars will be in lecture hall F1.
- Autumn 2022: Seminars will be in lecture hall F3.
- 28.3.2022: Ordering of liquid nitrogen uses online formulaire.
- Jaro 2022: Ústavní semináře budou probíhat živě v posluchárně F2.
- 20.9.2021: Department seminars start on Wednesday, let us meet for the first one in the department hall. Update: seminars are in hybrid form since November.
- Spring 2021: Department seminars will be online.
- February 2, 2021: Call for a PhD application on the field of Experimental Nano-Magnetism and Magnetic Materials under the title of Investigations of Nano-scaled Ferromagnetic Semiconducting Oxides for Spintronic Applications is open till March 31. For more information, see the leaflet and current topics available at the Condensed Matter Physics.
- January 2021: Campus-wide license for QtiPlot, a program for data plotting and evaluation (such as gnuplot, LabPlot, SciDAVis, OriginPro, Igor) is available for MS Windows and Linux. See the web site of subject F3240 and inet (soon).
- October 2020: We hope to start the autumn semester... oh, it is online again...
- 17. 2. 2020: Start of the spring semester!, see the education page for available texts (in Czech).
- 12. 2. 2020: Winter meeting of the institute, see the program (in Czech).
- 16. 9. 2019: Start of the autumn semester!, see the education page for available texts (in Czech).
- 18. 2. 2019: Start of the spring semester!, see the education page for available texts (in Czech).
- 6. 2. 2019: Winter meeting of the institute (in Czech).
- 28. 11. 2018: Petr Steindl has been awarded by price of the Ministery or education for his excellent results in the Mgr. study, which he devoted to studies of heterostructures based on quantum dots of III-V semiconductors.
There were published newsletters of projects Back4Future (H2020 TEAMING) and TWINFUSYON (H2020 TWINNING).
Within the TWINFUSYON project, we have organized a winter school and workshop New Frontiers in 2D Materials: Approaches and Applications (15.–20. 1. 2017, CNRS, Grenoble). Final program program not available yet, thus here you find a preliminary program.
- Within the TWINFUSYON project, we have organized a winter school and workshop New Frontiers in 2D Materials: Approaches and Applications (15.–20. 1. 2017, CNRS, Grenoble).
- Within the TWINFUSYON project, we have organized a school and workshop Advanced School on Modelling and Statistics for Biology, Biochemistry and Biosensing (11.–19. 9. 2016, JKU, Linz).
We have organized the international conference XTOP 2016 – 13th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging, from 4th to 8th September 2016.

XTOP 2016

The International Year of Crystallography
CZELTA project station
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Opening of the Electron microscopy laboratory 2012
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Optical conference 2009
Department of Condensed Matter Physics organizes the conference Optical properties of solids in basic research and applications. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 22.–24. 6. 2009. |
Workshop Structure 2008
Workshop Structure 2008 with a school of synchrotron radiation applications will take place in Valtice, 16.–19. 6. 2008. |
Opening of the Clean room laboratory for silicon device technology 2007
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New location at Kotlářská 2006
In July 2006, we have moved into the reconstructed building nb 9
at Kotlářská faculty area.
How to get to Kotlářská? Map and transportation. |