Curriculum Vitae

Mgr. Filip Münz, PhD.

BIRTH: 6.5. 1974 (Brno, Czech Republic)
PRESENT POSITION: Researcher at Inst.Cond.Matt.Phys. Fac. of Science & CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno
Married, 3 children (Barbora, Zofie, Hedvika)
RESEARCHER ID: E-3051-2012
ORC ID: 0000-0003-0975-9753


MSc. degree (spec. Subnuclear Physics) at Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles university, Prague; thesis in High-Energy Astrophysics (Contribution to the calibration of CAT and CELESTE detectors)
postgraduate studies at PCC, College de France, Paris, France and UCJF, MFF, UK
PhD degree (thesis Electronic simulation for CELESTE: bias studies and application on observations of Crab Nebula : PDF)


collaboration with CAT and CELESTE experiments (French Pyrenees) on detection of cosmic gamma rays using Cerenkov atmospheric technique
member of Czech INTEGRAL group at the Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ondrejov: data retrieval and analysis, search of variable sources (blazars, cataclysmic variables) incl. optical monitoring
9 month stay (with 2 month extension in early 2007) at INTEGRAL Science Data Centre, Versoix, Switzerland
automated scripts for analysis of X-ray spectra from XMM-Newton (intended for search of narrow-line features in X-ray emission of accretion discs of AGNs); extracted event-lists studied in detail using originally developped tools for time-resolved spectroscopy
completion of a legacy catalogue of GRBs detected by HETE-2 satellite, assegno de ricerca position at Instituto di astrofisica spaziale e fisica cosmica (IASF/INAF), Bologna, Italy
member of European Astronomical Society


proficient: English, French; passive: German, Italian, Russian
present: python (NumPy/SciPy), SQL; past: C/C++, FORTRAN


V. Simon, R. Hudec, F. Munz ...
Chin.Jour.Astron.Astroph. 6 Suppl. 1 (2006), 149
R. Hudec, F. Munz et al.
Chin.Jour.Astron.Astroph. 6 Suppl. 1 (2006), 114
D. A. Smith, E. Brion, .. F. Munz
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 459 (2006), Issue 2, p. 453-464 (astro-ph/0608247)
F. Munz, V. Karas, M.Guainazzi
Astronomische Nachrichten, 327 (2006), Issue 10, p.1094-1097
Testing the inverse-Compton catastrophe scenario in the intra-day variable blazar S5 0716+71
(I. Simultaneous broadband observations during November 2003)
L. Ostorero, S. Wagner .. F. Munz
Astronomy&Astrophysics, 451 (2006), 797 (astro-ph/0602237)
  • Ferrero, E.; Wagner, S. J., Disentangling the synchrotron and inverse Compton variability.., Astron. Astrophys. 457:133 2006
  • J. Lavalle, H. Manseri, A. Jacholkowska, E. Brion .. F. Munz
    Astronomy&Astrophysics, 450 (2006), 1
  • Kardashev, N. S., Novikov, I. D., Shatskiy, A. A., Astrophysics of Wormholes, astro-ph/0610441
  • Graham, Alister W., Merritt, D., Empirical Models for Dark Matter Halos II., astro-ph/0608613
  • M. de Naurois, J. Holder, ... F. Munz
    Astrophysical Journal, 566 (2002) 343-357 (astro-ph/0107301)
  • Bramel, D. A et al., Observations of the 3C 66A with STACEE, Astrophys. J. 629:108 2005
  • Aharonian, F. et al., The Crab Nebula and Pulsar with HEGRA, Astrophys.J. 614:897 2004
  • Ona-Wilhelmi, E. et al., Determination of the night sky background, Astropart. Phys. 22/1:95 2004
  • Scalzo, R. A. et al., HE Gamma-Ray Observations of W Comae with STACEE, Astrophys.J. 607:778 2004
  • Grimani, C., Pulsar birthrate set by cosmic-ray positron observations, Astron. Astrophys. 418:649 2004
  • Majumdar, P., Angular resolution of the Pachmarhi array, Astropart. Phys. 18/4:333 2003
  • Gaisser T.K., Particle astrophysics, Nucl.Phys.B - Proc.Sup. 117: 318-334 Apr 2003
  • Chitnis V.R., Bhat P.N., Gamma-hadron separation using Cerenkov photon density fluctuations, Exp.Astron. 13 (2): 77-100 2002
  • Lucarelli F, Konopelko A, Aharonian F, et al., Observations of the Crab Nebula with the HEGRA system of IACTs in convergent mode using a topological trigger, Astropart.Phys. 19 (3): 339-350 Jun 2003
  • Trimble V, Aschwanden M.J., Astrophysics in 2002, PASP 115 (807): 514-591 May 2003
  • Boone L.M., Hinton J.A., Bramel D, et al., STACEE observations of Markarian 421 during an extended gamma-ray outburst, Astrophys.J. 579 (1): L5-L8 Part 2 Nov 2002
  • Halzen F, Hooper D, High-energy neutrino astronomy: the cosmic ray connection, Rep.Prog.Phys. 65 (7): 1025-1078 Jul 2002
  • Le Bohec, Optical Intensity Interferometry with Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescope Arrays, Astrophys.J. 649:399 2006
  • E. Pare, ... F. Munz
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 490 (2002) 71-89
    D. A. Smith, R. Bazer-Bachi, H. Bergeret, .. F. Munz
    Nuclear Physics B Proc. Supp. 80 (2000), Issue 1-3, 163-172
    A. Barrau, ... F. Munz
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 416 (1998) 278-292

    non-reviewed papers

    Investigation of blazars with the INTEGRAL satellite
    R. Hudec, P. Kubanek, F. Munz, E. Pian
    Nucl. Phys. B conf. series 166 (2007), 255
    Investigation of blazars with the INTEGRAL satellite
    R. Hudec, P. Kubanek, F. Munz, E. Pian
    Nucl. Phys. B conf. series 166 (2007), 255
    Search for weak and variable sources with INTEGRAL
    F. Munz for Czech INTEGRAL team
    40th Rencontres de Moriond (Very High Energy Phenomena in Universe), La Thuile, 2005
    Cataclysmic variables and related objects with INTEGRAL
    V. Simon, R. Hudec, F. Munz
    230th IAU Symposium, Dublin 2005, 66
  • Barlow, E. J., et al, 20-100 keV properties of cataclysmic variables detected in the INTEGRAL/IBIS survey, MNRAS 372:224 2006
  • Blazars INTEGRAL and Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
    R. Hudec, F. Munz, M. Basta
    230th IAU Symposium, Dublin 2005, 237-238
    Blazars seen by INTEGRAL
    F. Munz and M. Basta for Czech INTEGRAL team
    the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop, Munich, 2004
    CELESTE gamma ray detector - current status and results
    F. Munz for the CELESTE coll.
    TAUP Conference, Paris, 1999

    and list of GCNs from SIMBAD.