QED gangster consultation
Consultation takes place online at
Google classroom .
Meeting Nickname: epcdxgot4b . Class code: 4itk46w .
NB: At your IS External Services G Suite should be enabled. Especially you need IS to generate a Google Mail account via your UCO number.
TheorTea seminar take place online via Zoom .
Meeting ID: 987 0002 6434 . Passcode: 263322 .
UTFA Friday seminar take place online via Zoom .
Meeting ID: 980 2209 7229 . Passcode: 093475 .
FA566 String Theory take place online via Zoom .
FA566 String Theory google drive folder .
CEICO seminar take place online via Zoom .
Spring 2020:
Friday 20.03.20:
Loop integrals; Master formula; Feynman trick;
Tuesday 24.03.20:
Full & Free path ingral/partition function; Full & Free propagator and Self-energy; phi-cubed theory; Renormalization; Counterterms; J-picture; Amputated picture; Symmetry factors; Combinatorics;
Friday 27.03.20:
hbar/loop-expansion; Superficial degree of divergence; Renormalizability; Dimensional analysis; phi-cubed self-energy;
Tuesday 31.03.20:
On-shell (OS) and MS-bar renormalization schemes; RG-flow; Beta function;
(video) (Correction: At 1:24:21 "power series" should be "polynomial".)
Friday 03.04.20:
Stueckelberg pure QED; Lagrangian; 't Hooft-Veltman gauge; Faddeev-Popov term; Propagators; Feynman rules; Photon propagator: Self-loop diagram;
Tuesday 07.04.20:
Photon propagator: Ghost-loop diagram + scalar loop diagram; Feynman trick;
Tuesday 14.04.20:
Other propagator; Photon propagator: photon-loop; Conventions for derivative couplings;
Friday 17.04.20:
Photon propagator: photon-loop; Ward identities; Ghost propagator;
Tuesday 21.04.20:
Result for photon propagator in Feynman xi=1 gauge; Ghost propagator; Scalar propagator; Kaluza-Klein notation;
Friday 24.04.20:
Scalar propagator; Mixed propagator; Conventions for Fourier transform; Conventions for derivative couplings;
Tuesday 28.04.20:
BRST formulation; Ward identity;
Tuesday 05.05.20:
Ward identity; Fourier transformation; Check and predictions for photon propagator;
Tuesday 19.05.20:
Fermionic matter; Ward identity; Fourier transformation; (video)
Fall 2020:
Thursday 08.10.20:
Greens functions, Propagators & 2-pt functions; (video)
Thursday 15.10.20:
Greens functions, Propagators & 2-pt functions. Operator ordering prescriptions; (video)
Thursday 22.10.20:
Greens functions; Feynman rules; (video)
Thursday 29.10.20:
BRST symmetry vs. Gauge symmetry; Dirac-Bergmann analysis/singular Legendre transformation; (video)
Thursday 12.11.20:
Faddeev-Popov deteminant and gauge-fixing; BRST symmetry; Higgs mechanism; (video)
Thursday 19.11.20:
Renormalization; (video)
Thursday 26.11.20:
Renormalization; Linked cluster theorem and connected Feynman diagrams; (video)
Thursday 03.12.20:
hbar/loop-expansion; Legendre transformation; 1PI Feynman diagrams; (video)
Thursday 10.12.20:
Asymptotics series; (video)
Thursday 17.12.20:
Group & representation theory; GUT SU(5) -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) branching rules; (video) (NB: 47:30-48:45 is wrong.)
Thursday 07.01.21:
Young tableaux; Hodge duality; Wigner-Eckart theorem; (video)
Thursday 14.01.21:
Solitons [Sred] 92; Derrick's theorem; (video)