The g95-MinGW.exe G95 Installer

About MinGW
Installing the MinGW G95 Fortran Compiler
Installing on Windows 95/98/ME
Installing on Windows NT/2000/XP
How to Uninstall
The GNU G95 Fortran Compiler

G95-MinGW.exe is a self-extracting installer for the free GNU g95 Fortran compiler. It works on Windows XP, 2000, ME, 95 and 98.

The g95-MinGW.exe installer allows the user to specify any install directory for g95. However, if MinGW is already  installed on your system, it is best to install g95 in the root MinGW directory. The mingw site suggests two possible ways to install MinGW, either (a) install MinGW into a directory by itself, such as c:/mingw, and modify your /etc/fstab file to point the MSYS /mingw directory to it, or (b) install Msys first and install the MinGW packages in the <msys_prefix>/mingw directory, for example in c:\msys\1.0\mingw.

If your installation is the option (a) type, install g95 in c:\mingw, and add the c:\MinGW\bin directory in your path. The LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should be set to c:\MinGW\lib. If your installation is option (b) install g95 into the c:\msys\1.0\mingw directory and add this directory your path.

On systems without MinGW, g95 can be installed along with an additional set of programs and libraries from the MinGW distribution that are needed to run g95. All these programs and libraries are included in the self-extracting installer as compressed files. They will be installed for you if you respond by clicking the "Ok" button when the installer asks: "Install MinGW Utilities and libs?"

Responding with "Ok" is recommended even when installing g95 into a MinGW directory structure, as doing so will ensure you have fairly recently updated versions of these files. The PATH and the LIBRARY_PATH environment variables should be properly set up to find the g95 bin and lib directories.

The g95 installer contains all the libraries and programs needed to successfully use the g95 compiler, and produce executables for Windows systems. These include MinGW compliant versions of the GNU linker, ld.exe, and assembler, as.exe (both of these are part of the MinGW binutils package), as well as numerous libraries essential for g95.

About MinGW

MinGW ("Minimalistic GNU for Windows") provides an environment for compiling and linking code based on the GNU GCC and binutils projects, which will work on Win32 platforms. Further information, and the complete distribution of MinGW is available from:



The g95-MinGW.exe g95 installer extracts the files needed for g95 to run on supported Windows systems with or without MinGW already installed. Where MinGW is not installed a minimal set of support files from the MinGW distribution and the MinGW binutils package is required. These can also be installed if installing into MinGW. Doing this, especially if doing a first time g95 install, will ensure that all the files that g95 needs to run are available immediately. To do this, when the installer pops up a message box asking: "Install MinGW Utilities and libs?", respond by clicking "Ok".

The PATH environment variable may then be set to include the path to MinGW and the g95 executable.


In Windows 95/98/ME the PATH is usually set in the autoexec.bat file, which is stored in the root directory of your hard disk; i.e. c:\. Edit this file and add the following lines:

  SET LIBRARY_PATH=<MinGW_library_install_path>
where <MinGW_bin_install_path> is the full path to the bin directory of your MinGW installation, and <g95_install_path> is the path to the directory in which you installed g95, and <MinGW_library_install_path> is the full path to the MinGW\lib directory.
You can do this by opening this file in Notepad or any other editor, adding the above line at the end, and then saving the changes. You must reboot for the changes to take effect.


In Windows NT/2000/XP the PATH variable can be set by going to the Control Panel, selecting System, and then locating the environment (or advanced, environment) section.

Add a new variable named LIBRARY_PATH and set its value to <MinGW_library_install_path>, i.e., the full path to the MinGW\lib directory.

Similarly add a new variable named PATH (or edit it if already present) and set its value to:

Alternatively, place the following line in a batch file, and run it before invoking g95.

   SET LIBRARY_PATH = <MinGW_library_install_path>

Replace <MinGW_install_path> with the full path to the bin directory of your MinGW installation, and <g95_install_path> with the path to the directory in which you installed g95,
and <MinGW_library_install_path> with the full path to the MinGW\lib directory.


Run 'Uninstall.exe' to remove all the files installed by g95-MinGW.exe.

The GNU G95 Fortran Compiler

The g95 website URL is:

For license details see the file COPYING.txt included in this package.

The source code for g95 is available at:

Bug reports should be sent to Andy Vaught:


For user support try posting a message on the g95 message board at:

Please include appropriate details such as:



A manual for using the G95 compiler is provided in the doc directory. This can be viewed using the free Acrobat Reader or in a word processor that supports pdf.


The script for building the g95-MinGW.exe installer was written by Doug Cox,