Error: fmm.f95, line 402: Local variable I of PURE procedure SEVALSINGLE has the SAVE attribute Errors in declarations, no further processing for SEVALSINGLE Error: fmm.f95, line 1300: Reference to impure subroutine BRENTZEROSINGLE from pure procedure ZEROINSINGLE Error: fmm.f95, line 1481: Reference to impure subroutine BRENTMINSINGLE from pure procedure FMINSINGLE Error: fmm.f95, line 2256: Local variable I of PURE procedure SEVALDOUBLE has the SAVE attribute Errors in declarations, no further processing for SEVALDOUBLE Error: fmm.f95, line 3155: Reference to impure subroutine BRENTZERODOUBLE from pure procedure ZEROINDOUBLE Error: fmm.f95, line 3334: Reference to impure subroutine BRENTMINDOUBLE from pure procedure FMINDOUBLE [F error termination]