NA Digest Sunday, May 20, 2007 Volume 07 : Issue 21 =================================================== From: Bill McLean Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 03:56:38 -0400 Subject: subject: f95 version of gaussq.f The fortran 95 module gaussquad.f95 can compute the integration points and weights for any of the classical Gauss quadrature rules, including the Radau and Lobatto variants. Included is a low-level routine that can handle any Gauss rule given the coefficients in the 3-term recurrence relation for the associated orthogonal polynomials. You can download the source distribution from My f95 code is a goto-less version of the f77 routines in netlib's gaussq.f, and should produce nearly identical results. The new package adds an optional C language interface that relies on a couple of the interoperability features of the f2003 standard, plus a few test programs and examples in fortran, C and python.