
  1. P. Klepáč and J. Horský,
    ``Charged universes of the Goedel-type with closed timelike curves",
    Class. Quant. Grav. 17 2547-2555 (2000) []

  2. P.Klepáč and J. Horský,
    ``Charged perfect fluid and scalar field coupled to gravity",
    Czech. J. Phys. 51 1177-1187 (2001) []

  3. ``On spacetimes with 3-parameter isometry group in string-inspired theory of gravity",
    Proc. 8-th Conf. Dif. Geom. Appl. []

  4. P. Klepáč and J. Horský,
    ``A cylindrically symmetric solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity",
    Gen. Rel. Grav. 34 1979-1993 (2002) []

  5. J. Geršl, P. Klepáč and J. Horský,
    ``A charged rotating cylindrical shell",
    Gen. Rel. Grav.36 (2004) []

  6. P. Klepáč
    ``On a solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton cosmology",
    Proceedings of Mathematics of gravitation II []

  7. P. Klepáč
    ``On a solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity",
    Proceedings of the 8--th Hungarian Relativity Workshop, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 2004

  8. P. Klepáč
    ``Relativity theory and the Global position system" (in czech),
    Československý čas. fyz.(2003)

  9. P. Klepáč
    ``Models of string cosmology" (in czech)
    in Introduction to Physical Cosmology, (Academia, Prague 2004)

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