D. Cidlinský, T. Tyc, Quantum particle on the surface of a cube, Physical Review A 110, 062218 (2024), PDF.
T. Tyc, T. Čižmár, Optical Coriolis Force Guides Light Along Trojan Beams, Nature Physics 20, 10 (2024), PDF.
H. Cao, T. Čižmár, S. Turtaev, T. Tyc, S. Rotter, Controlling light propagation in multimode fibers for imaging, spectroscopy and beyond, Advances in Optics and Photonics 15, 524-612 (2023), PDF.
J. Courtial, J. Bělín, M. Soboňa, M. Locher, T. Tyc, Shifty invisibility cloaks, Optics Express 32, 11 (2023), PDF.
H. Eskandari, M. Shokooh-Saremi, T. Tyc, Graded index all-dielectric lens antenna designed by phase manipulation and optical path rescaling, Optics and Laser Technology 161, 109125 (2023), PDF.
T. Tyc, D. Cidlinský, Spherical wedge billiard: from chaos to fractals and Talbot carpets, Physical Review E 106, 054202 (2022), also available at arXiv:2209.03096,
and supplemental material:
Video 1: Phase space diagram for Phi ranging from 0 to pi,
Video 2: Trajectory segments on the disk and the corresponding points in the phase space,
Video 3: Fixed point mergers to the point Gamma in the (tau, eta) coordinates,
PDF: Analysis of the ellipses in the phase space diagram, and
Supplemental material description.
Q. Chen, S.A.R. Horsley, N.J.G. Fonseca, T. Tyc, O. Quevedo-Teruel, Double-Layer Geodesic Lenses and Gradient-Index Lenses, Nature Communications 13, 2354 (2022), PDF.
P. Kadera et al, Wide-angle ceramic retroreflective Luneburg lens based on quasi-conformal transformation optics for mm-wave indoor localization, IEEE Access 10, 41097 (2022), PDF.
2021:Shuhui Li, Simon A. R. Horsley, Tomas Tyc, Tomas Cizmar, David B. Phillips, Memory effect assisted imaging through multimode optical fibres, Nature Communications 12, 3751 (2021), PDF.
N. Fonseca, T. Tyc, O. Quevedo-Teruel, A solution to the complement of the generalized Luneburg lens problem, Communications Physics 4, 270 (2021), PDF.
J. Bělín, T. Tyc, S. Horsley, Optical simulation of quantum mechanics on the Mobius strip, Klein's bottle and other manifolds, and Talbot effect, New Journal of Physics 23, 033003 (2021), PDF.
H. Eskandari, T. Tyc, J. L. Albadalejo-Lijarcio, O. Zetterstrom, O. Quevedo-Teruel, H-plane Horn Antenna with Enhanced Directivity Using Conformal Transformation Optics, Scientific Reports 11, 14322 (2021), PDF.
H. Eskandari, S. Saviz, T. Tyc, Directivity enhancement of a cylindrical wire antenna by a graded index dielectric shell designed using strictly conformal transformation optics, Scientific Reports 11, 13035 (2021), PDF.
J. Bělín, J. Courtial, T. Tyc,
Lens stars and Platonic lenses, Optics Express 29, 42055 (2021), PDF.
D. G. Garcia, G. J. Chaplain, J. Bělín, T. Tyc, C. Englert, J. Courtial, Optical triangulations of curved spaces, Optica 7, 142 (2020), PDF, Supplementary material.
T. Tyc, J. Bělín, S. Oxburgh, C. D. White, E. N. Cowie, J. Courtial, Combinations of generalized lenses that satisfy the edge-imaging condition of transformation optics, JOSA A 37, 305 (2020), PDF.
J. Musilová, T. Tyc, Linearita a relativita, Československý časopis pro fyziku 70, 426 (2020),
J. Bělín, S. Horsley, T. Tyc, Quantum mechanics and Talbot revivals on a tetrahedron, Physical Review A 100, 033806 (2019), PDF, one of the pictures from the paper was selected by PRA for a Kaleidoscope.
H. Eskandari, T. Tyc, Controlling Refractive Index of Transformation-optics Devices via Optical Path Rescaling, Scientific Reports 9, 18412 (2019), PDF.
J. Bělín, T. Tyc, M. Grunwald, S. Oxburgh, E. N. Cowie, C. D. White, J. Courtial, Ideal-lens cloaks and new cloaking strategies, Optics Express 27, 37327 (2019), PDF.
L. Xu, T. Tyc, H. Chen, Conformal optical devices based on geodesic lenses, Optics Express 27, 28722 (2019), PDF.
L. Xu, X. Wang, T. Tyc, C. Sheng, S. Zhu, H. Liu, H. Chen, Light rays and waves on geodesic lenses, Photonics Research 7, 1266 (2019), PDF.
T. Tyc, J. Musilová, Netradiční pohled na šíření světla, Československý časopis pro fyziku (2019),
D. Boonzajer Flaes, J. Stopka, S. Turtaev, J. de Boer, T. Tyc, T. Čižmár, On the robustness of light-transport processes to bending deformations of graded-index multimode waveguides, Physical Review Letters 120, 233901 (2018), PDF and Supplemental material.
J. Courtial, T. Tyc, J. Bělín, S. Oxburgh, G. Ferenczi, E. N. Cowie, C. D. White, Ray-optical transformation optics with ideal thin lenses makes omnidirectional lenses, Optics Express 26, 17872 (2018), PDF.
J. Courtial, N. Chen, S. Ogilvie, B. Kirkpatrick, A. Hamilton, G. Gibson, T. Tyc, E. Logean, T. Scharf, Experimental demonstration of ray-rotation sheets, JOSA A 35, 1160 (2018), PDF.
J. Bělín, T. Tyc, Talbot effect for gratings with diagonal symmetry, Journal of Optics 20, 025604 (2018), PDF.
T. Tyc,
Zajímavé zvuky kolem nás, Československý časopis pro fyziku 68, 100 (2018),
T. Tyc, A. J. Danner,
Absolute optical instruments, classical superintegrability, and
separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Physical Review A 96, 053838 (2017), PDF or submitted PDF.
M. R. Forouzeshfard and T. Tyc, Photonic crystals composed of Eaton lenses and invisible lenses, Physical Review A 95, 013822 (2017), PDF or submitted PDF.
T. Tyc, P. Konečný,
Tajemné písmeno,
Vesmír 96, 426 (2017).
K. Zuzaňáková, T. Tyc, Scattering of waves by the invisible lens, Journal of Optics 19, 015601 (2016), PDF.
T. Tyc, S. Oxburgh, E. N. Cowie, G. C. Chaplain, G. Macauley,
C. D. White, J. Courtial, Omnidirectional transformation-optics cloak made
from lenses and glenses, JOSA A 33, 1032 (2016), PDF.
G. Chaplain, G. Macauley, J. Bělín, T. Tyc, E. N. Cowie, J. Courtial, Ray optics of generalised lenses,
JOSA A 33, 962 (2016), PDF.
A. Danner, T. Tyc, Visual defects when extending two-dimensional invisible lenses with circular symmetry into the third dimension, Journal of Optics 18, 044013 (2016), PDF.
L. Xu, H. Chen, T. Tyc, Y. Xie, S. A. Cummer, Perfect conformal invisible
device with feasible refractive
indexes, Phys. Rev. B
93, 041406(R)
(2016), PDF.
M. Plöschner, T. Tyc, T. Čižmár, Seeing through chaos in multimode fibres, Nature Photonics 9, 529 (2015), PDF.
T. Tyc, Světlo v multimódových optických vláknech, Československý časopis pro fyziku 65, 335 (2015), PDF.
T. Tyc, H. L. Dao, A. J. Danner,
Absolute optical instruments without spherical symmetry,
Phys. Rev. A 92, 053827 (2015),
M. Lenc, T. Tyc,
Mez rozlišení mikroskopu, Československý časopis pro fyziku 65, 15 (2015).
U. Leonhardt, S. Sahebdivan, A. Kogan, T. Tyc, A simple model for perfect imaging, New J. Phys. 17 053007 (2015), PDF.
T. Tyc, J. Vlach, Quantum marginal problems, Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 209 (2015), PDF.
S. Horsley, R. Foster, T. Tyc, T. Philbin,
Active absorption of electromagnetic pulses in a cavity,
New Journal of Physics 17, 053050 (2015), PDF.
J. Courtial, S. Oxburgh, T. Tyc, Direct, stigmatic imaging with curved
surfaces, JOSA A 32, 478 (2015), PDF.
A. Danner, H. L. Dao, T. Tyc, The Lissajous Lens: A Three-Dimensional Absolute Optical Instrument without Spherical Symmetry, Optics Express 23, 5716 (2015), PDF.
2014:T. Tyc, H. Chen, A. Danner, Y. Xu, Invisible lenses with positive isotropic refractive index, Physical Review A 90, 053829 (2014), PDF.
M. Krbek, T. Tyc, J. Vlach, Inequalities for quantum marginal problems with continuous variables, Journal of Mathematical Physics 55, 062201 (2014), PDF.
T. Tyc, Aaron Danner, Resolution of Maxwell's fisheye with an optimal active drain, New Journal of Physics 16, 063001 (2014), PDF.
S. Oxburgh, T. Tyc, J. Courtial, Dr TIM: Ray-tracer TIM, with additional specialist scientific capabilities, Computer Physics Communications 185, 1027 (2014), PDF.
2013:H. Chen, Y. Xu, H. Li, T. Tyc, Playing the tricks of numbers of light sources, New Journal of Physics 15, 093034 (2013), PDF - this paper was selected among highlights of NJP of 2013, see certificate.
M. Šarbort, T. Tyc, Multi-focal spherical media and geodesic lenses in geometrical optics, J. Opt. 15, 125716 (2013) , PDF.
T. Tyc, Spectra of absolute instruments from the WKB approximation, New Journal of Physics 15,065005 (2013), PDF.
2012:T. Tyc, Aaron Danner, Frequency spectra of absolute optical instruments, New Journal of Physics 14, 085023 (2012), PDF.
J. Courtial, T. Tyc, Generalized laws of refraction that can lead to wave-optically forbidden light-ray fields, J. Opt. Soc. America A 29, 1407 (2012), PDF.
M. Šarbort, T. Tyc, Spherical media and geodesic lenses in geometrical optics, Journal of Optics 14, 075705 (2012), PDF.
T. Tyc, Gouy phase for full-aperture spherical and cylindrical waves, Optics Letters 37, 924 (2012), PDF.
Y. G. Ma, S. Sahebdivan, C. K. Ong, T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Subwavelength imaging with materials of in-principle arbitrarily low index contrast , New Journal of Physics 14, 025001 (2012), PDF.
T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Neviditelnost - fikce, nebo realita?, Československý časopis pro fyziku 62, 300 (2012).
2011:T. Tyc, X. Zhang, Forum Optics: Perfect lenses in focus, Nature 480, 42 (2011), PDF.
J. Courtial, T. Tyc, METATOYs and optical vortices, Journal of Optics 13, 115704 (2011), PDF.
T. Tyc, L. Herzánová, M. Šarbort, K. Bering, Absolute instruments and perfect imaging in geometrical optics, New Journal of Physics 13, 115004 (2011), PDF.
J. Perczel, T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Invisibility cloaking without superluminal propagation, New Journal of Physics 13, 033016 (2011), PDF - this paper was selected among highlights of NJP of 2011.
A. Danner, T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Controlling birefringence in dielectrics, Nature Photonics 5, 357 (2011), PDF.
T. Tyc, Magnifying absolute instruments for optically homogeneous regions, Phys. Rev. A 84, 031801(R) (2011), PDF.
H. Chen, U. Leonhardt, T. Tyc, Conformal cloak for waves, Phys. Rev. A 83, 055801 (2011), PDF.
Y. G. Ma, S. Sahebdivan, C. K. Ong, T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Evidence for subwavelength imaging with positive refraction, New Journal of Physics 13, 033016 (2011), PDF -- this paper was selected among highlights of NJP of 2011.
2010:T. Tyc, M. Šarbort, Magnifying perfect lens with positive refraction, arxiv:1010.3178, PDF.
T. Tyc, H. Chen, C.-T. Chan, U. Leonhardt, Non-Euclidean cloaking for light waves, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16, 418 (2010), PDF.
2009:Y. G. Ma, C. K. Ong, T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, An omnidirectional retroreflector based on the transmutation of dielectric singularities, Nature Materials 8, 639 (2009), PDF.
U. Leonhardt, T. Tyc, Broadband Invisibility by Non-Euclidean Cloaking, Science 323, 110 (2009), PDF, Supporting Online Material.
D. Mogilevtsev, T. Tyc, N. Korolkova, Influence of modal loss on the quantum state generation via cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Physical Review A 79, 053832 (2009), PDF, arxiv:0904.3235.
2008:T. Tyc, U. Leonhardt, Transmutation of singularities in optical instruments, New Journal of Physics 10, 115038 (2008), PDF.
U. Leonhardt, T. Tyc, Superantenna made of transformation media, New Journal of Physics 10, 115026 (2008), PDF.
J. Eisert, T. Tyc, T. Rudolph, B. C. Sanders, Gaussian quantum marginal problem, Communications in Mathematical Physics 280, 263 (2008) , PDF.
T. Tyc, N. Korolkova, Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity, New Journal of Physics 10, 023041 (2008), PDF.
1996 - 2007:T. Tyc, B. Hamilton, B. C. Sanders, W. D. Oliver, No approximate complex fermion coherent states, Found. Phys. 37, 1027 (2007), PDF.
T. Tyc, B. C. Sanders, T. Symul, W. P. Bowen, A. M. Lance, P. K. Lam, Quantum state sharing with continuous variables, section in book: Quantum Information with Continuous Variables of Atoms and Light, N. Cerf, G. Leuchs, and E. S. Polzik, eds., Imperial College Press, United Kingdom, 2007.
A. M. Lance, T. Symul, W. P. Bowen, B. C. Sanders, T. Tyc, T. C. Ralph, P. K. Lam, Continuous Variable Quantum State Sharing via Quantum Disentanglement, Physical Review A 71, 33814 (2005). URL
T. Tyc, Barry C. Sanders, Operational formulation of homodyne detection, Journal of Physics A 37, 7341 (2004), PDF.
T. Tyc and B. C. Sanders, Rigorous analysis of homodyne detection, in Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, C. R. Stroud, and I. A. Walmsley, eds. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, 2003), pp. 453-454.
T. Tyc, David Rowe, Barry Sanders, Efficient sharing of a continuous-variable quantum secret, Journal of Physics A 36, 7625 (2003). URL
Andrew M Lance, Thomas Symul, Warwick P Bowen, T. Tyc, Barry C Sanders and Ping Koy Lam, Continuous variable (2,3) threshold quantum secret sharing schemes, New Journal of Physics 5, 4 (2003).
T. Tyc a Barry C. Sanders, How to share a continuous-variable quantum secret by optical interferometry, Physical Review A 65, 042310 (2002). PDF
T. Tyc, C. Brukner, A. Zeilinger, M. A. Horne, Quantum optics without second quantization? Proc. Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, 50. Jahrestagung Graz, 123 (2000).
T. Tyc, Correlation functions and spin, Physical Review E 62, 4221 (2000), PDF
T. Tyc and Michal Lenc, Electrons as waves - and what will come next?, in Proceedings of 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, I 49, ISBN 80-238-5501-8 (2000).
T. Tyc, Inequalities for electron-field correlation functions, Physical Review A 62, 13803 (2000), PDF
Harald Kiesel, Franz Hasselbach, T. Tyc, Michal Lenc, Electron antibunching, Acta Phys. Slovaca 49, 701 (1999).
T. Tyc, Electronic-field correlation functions, Physical Review A 58, 4967 (1998), PDF
T. Tyc, The de Broglie hypothesis leading to path integrals,
European Journal of Physics 17, 156 (1996).