Vojťákovy stránky

Arduino-powered game console with LED matrix display

Implemented games and tools
Hack a Day Easter egg


Source codes for Arduino IDE

This archive contains main source file (GameConsole.ino), a file with sources of some basic graphic routines (display.h) and another with sources of implemented games and tools (games.h).

game_console.zip (8 kB)


Icons used in a graphical menu and some games or tools. A directory with characters represented by 3×5 px images is included, even though text writing function is not implemented yet.

icons.zip (15 kB)

Python scripts

Python script for encoding icons (8×8 px images) into lists of bytes (8bit numbers) used by microcontroller, script for encoding images and mazes into list of 32bit unsigned long numbers and Wikipedia example script for maze generating.

python_scripts.zip (3 kB)


Images of normal and “hacked” maze. The *.dat files contain lists of maze rows encoded into unsigned long numbers used by microcontroller.

maze.zip (3 kB)

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Vytvořil Vojťák • Admin • Aktualizace: 12. dubna 2016 v 15.03