DTPA Seminar: Hsiang-Kuang Chang

  • 8 November 2024
    10:00 AM
  • lecture room F1, building No. 6, SCI MUNI campus Kotlářská 2, Brno

Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics invites you to the lecture by Prof. Hsiang-Kuang Chang from the Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

Hsiang-Kuang Chang – The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) and the Gamma-ray Transients Monitor (GTM) projects

I will introduce two space mission projects, both related to MeV gamma-ray astronomy. The COSI project is a NASA SMEX program to launch in 2027. COSI is a pioneer of the next generation Compton telescope. It is a general-purpose facility for MeV astronomy. GTM is a secondary science payload onboard Formosat-8B to launch in 2026. Its goal is to monitor Gamma Ray Bursts and other bright transients in the soft gamma-ray band.

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