DTPA Seminar: Sundararaman-Aggarwal-Ramezani
29 November 2024
10:00 AM -
lecture room F1, building No. 6, SCI MUNI campus Kotlářská 2, Brno
Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics invites you to the department seminary. This time three talks are scheduled:
Vasudevan Sundararaman: Formulation and application of Root-TT bar deformation
In this short presentation I will talk about what Root-TT bar deformation is, its application in CFTs. I will also talk about the future direction of this project with a focus on its application to Liouville CFT.
Aviral Aggarwal: Marginal Deformations in Supergravity: A solutiongenerating technique
In this talk, we will dive into one of the techniques known to find new solutions to Supergravity theory. We will use an already defined solution and show how todeform them to find a new solution and study various implications of them froma geometric point of view.
Tahereh Ramezani: Observations of Unstudied Open Clusters in the UV
Our research is related to observing unstudiedGalactic open clusters in Ultraviolet and analyzing their photometric data. The Gaia DR3 will allow us toprecisely study known Galactic open clusters. We collected the available photometric and astrometric data. We observed via the DK1.54 metertelescope in Chile and the 2.15m at CASLEO telescope in Argentina in the Ultraviolet filter because itis the best way of observing the interstellar reddening. The reddening is independent of the ageand metallicity. After the observation, we did PSF photometry of 205 cluster fields. Then,matched the stars with Gaia Data Release 3. Afterwards, plotted the color-color diagram of Gaia magnitudeswith our Ultraviolet magnitude. Then, we fitted isochrones to all 205 cluster sequences. For theirmembership, we used Hunt & Reffert 2023 catalogue. Currently, we are calculating thereddening laws for each cluster. With these data, a first homogeneous census of unstudied open clusters in theMilky Way using Ultraviolet photometry can be derived and compared to the literature.
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