Eva Hejnová and Jindřiška Svobodová - Scientific thinking testing
23 March 2023
5:00 PM - Lecture room F2, building 6, campus Kotlářská 2, SCI MU + MS Teams
Eva Hejnová a Jindřiška Svobodová - Scientific thinking testing
Speakers will present testing methods that can be applied to scientific thinking tests of students. Speakers will introduce the Lawson test and the international conclusion of PISA. Speakers will discuss in more detail the TOSLS TOSLS (Test of Scientific Literacy Skills) test from 2012, which was newly translated into Czech. There will be a discussion on the results from the first testing at Czech schools.
Lectures are dr. Eva Hejnová from the Physics Department at Faculty of Science at University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí n.Labem and dr. Jindřiška Svobodová from the Mathematics Department of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University.
The lecture will be streaming online through MS Teams from lecture room F2, where you can attend personally and enjoy a cup of coffee. Click the blue button below for more information and a link to the online stream.
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