Seminar DPPT: Assoc. Prof. Zdenka Kozáková
5 October 2023
11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - lecture room F1, building 6, campus Kotlářská 2
We cordially invite you to a Department of Plasma Physics and Technology seminary lecture. The speaker is Assoc. Prof. Zdenka Kozáková from the Insitute of Physical and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology.
Assoc. Prof. Zdenka Kozáková – Preparation, characterization and application of PAW (Plasma Activated Water)
The interaction of the low-temperature plasma with the liquid produces so-called Plasma-Activated Water (PAW) or Plasma-Treated Water (PTW). The composition and stability of PAW depends on the method of preparation, i.e., the type of interaction of the plasma with water or solution, as well as on other experimental conditions (preparation time, energy supplied) and the composition of the treated liquid (conductivity, presence of additives). After interacting with plasma, water or aqueous solutions contain more oxygen and nitrogen species and chemically active particles with high redox potential. Such an approach gives water antimicrobial effects and induces stress activities in cells, stimulating their production and growth. For example, biomedicine can use these properties to sterilize sensitive materials or as a supportive medium for wound healing. The increased nitrogen content, in turn, contributes to the nutrition and growth of plants and seeds, increasing their wettability and germination. In addition, the sterilizing effects of PAW reduce the risk of fungal diseases, so it can be used in agriculture as an alternative form of fertilizer and mordant.
The presentation focuses on comparing the composition of PAW prepared in different plasma systems, its characterization, and its application in pilot experiments in medical and agricultural applications.

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