Seminar ÚFKL: Jan Kuneš
9 November 2022
11:00 AM -
Seminars take place in the lecture room F3 (building 6, Kotlářská 2).
Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture
Jan Kuneš (Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Wien):
Thermal damping of spinful excitons in LaCoO3: theory and experiment
Lanthanum cobaltite is a much studied material with puzzling magnetic and transport properties. Recently, we have proposed a new description of it based on the idea of mobile exciton-like quasi-particles rather than the traditional picture of multiplet states bound to specific atoms. I will introduce this picture and discuss its consequences. Theoretical calculations as well as experimental RIXS (resonant inelastic x-ray scattering) data supporting this picture will be presented. I will also briefly discuss a theoretical tool, dynamical mean-field theory for hard-core bosons, which we have developed to describe a liquid of strongly interacting excitons necessary to capture the physics of LaCoO3 at elevated temperatures.
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