Anna Podmanická is a scientific talent of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Anna Podmanická from the Jur Hronec highschool in Bratislava won several awards at this year's AMAVET 2024 Science and Technology Festival. She worked on her project with František Zažímal at the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology.

27 Nov 2024 Tereza Schmidtová

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Anna Podmanická, a high schooler from Jur Hronec high school in Bratislava, won the Dean's Prize of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University and the "Scientific Talent of the Slovak Academy of Sciences" award in the Environmental Sciences category at this year's AMAVET 2024 Science and Technology Festival. Her project "Graphitic carbon nitride and low-temperature plasma: a new strategy for wastewater treatment" was also awarded the most valuable prize, a promotion to the global finals of the Regeneron ISEF 2025 high school science competition, which will be held in Columbus, USA.

She worked on the project under the guidance of PhD candidate František Zažímal from the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology, research group Plasma Technologies and Bioapplications. Anna Podmanická started working with František Zažímal in the spring of 2024 in the framework of the preparation of the project for the high school research activity. At the beginning of the work, they tested various ideas from consultations before the student's time at the department. They obtained algae samples from the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science. They modified them with photocatalytic nanocomposites with magnetic particles.

They subsequently tested the biological samples for the purification of dye-contaminated waters. Similarly, they tested microbots printed on a 3D printer coated with a magnetic photocatalytic layer. Finally, for the AMAVET competition, they focused on using graphitic carbon nitride (gCN) for wastewater purification. gCN is an organic semiconductor material that can be activated by sunlight or directly by blue light, generating particles that allow the production of radicals. These radicals have the ability to break down various organic contaminants present in the water.

Their work specifically focused on the degradation of antibiotics in wastewater, which become part of the environment due to the imperfect treatment process in wastewater treatment plants. As part of their work, they also used low-temperature atmospheric plasma, enabling high efficiency in wastewater treatment.

Currently, Anna Podmanická and František Zažímal are preparing for the ISEF 2025 World Finals. Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Homola, the winning project consultant, is also arranging for Anna Podmanicka the possibility of a foreign scientific internship in Spain and involvement in further scientific work. The experiments Anna Podmanická participated in will also be published in a forthcoming manuscript under the GAČR project "Advanced thin film photocatalysts based on graphitic carbonitride" (GA23-06843S).

Anna Podmanická and František Zažímal

Do you want to know how Anna Podmanická came to Brno to study physics? Read on in a short interview.

Why did you choose physics as a scientific field? In what ways did physics appeal to you more than other options?

Physics has always fascinated me because it explains the processes that shape the world around us, from the movement of rivers and the evolution of weather to the principles of technology and energy transfer. It reveals the hidden mechanisms of nature, such as how light bends through water to create rainbows or how forces govern the balance of ecosystems.

Studying physics is like uncovering the principles of everyday phenomena that transform what seems ordinary into something intimately connected and complex. This field of science challenges me to think critically, solve real-world problems, and perceive the elegance of natural processes, making it not only an object of interest but also a lifelong passion.

Physics also plays a key role in addressing the most pressing global challenges facing our society by providing the tools and knowledge to innovate solutions. For example, by studying physical principles, we can design systems to mitigate natural disasters, improve water purification techniques, and enhance communication networks to promote resilience and stability in a rapidly changing world. Through its application, physics enables humanity to solve complex problems with extraordinary precision and unparalleled ingenuity.

How did you contact Masaryk University and start the cooperation here in Brno?

I have always been the type of student who was not satisfied with the academic challenges of the school environment. That's why I don't let my curiosity subside in my free time, and I devote myself to various extracurricular projects. Also, the decision to get involved in the high school research activity combined several factors, from my passion for science and discovery to my desire to try real scientific work in all its complexity.

The fact that I am fascinated by plasma technology played a crucial role in my decision to contact Masaryk University as a potential ground for my future research. Plasma technology research within the CEPLANT Centre at Masaryk University is at the forefront of scientific innovation, exploring plasma's potential in various environmental and industrial applications. So I wrote an email to the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology and, with uncertainty, hoped for a positive response. One of the key moments in my research journey came when my future supervisor, František Zažímal.

Together, we started working on the project, building theoretical knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the issues. Later, we conducted experiments. The cooperation with him pushed me not only professionally, but also personally. I learned how to streamline my work, not to get lost in a sea of ideas, but also how to soar into the clouds and fully immerse myself in an inspiring discussion about future research directions. Therefore, I would also like to thank my supervisor in particular, but also the whole research group for the opportunity to let that initial seed of fascination with science and the world around me grow into a branching tree of abilities to actively discover, analyze and create innovative solutions with a global impact.

Thank you for your replies and I wish you much success in the coming year and beyond!

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