List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees – January/February 2025
List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees for January and February 2025.
Simon Dap from Toulouse, France, joined the scientists of the Plasma Diagnostics and Modelling research group. Simon Dap is a researcher at the Laboratoire LAPLACE, Université Paul Sabatier, and works on atmospheric pressure discharge physics and optical diagnostics.
For fourteen days in June, French colleague Assoc. Prof. Simon Dap worked in the laser laboratory of Assoc. Prof. Pavel Dvořák. Simon Dap is researching DBD (dielectric barrier discharges). You can find his scientific publications from the last years here.
Joint experiments focused on measuring the concentration of free oxygen atoms in DBD discharges in a CO2 atmosphere using the TALIF (Two-photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence). At the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology and CEPLANT, Assoc. Prof. Pavel Dvořák works on laser diagnostics together with Dr. Martina Mrkvičková and his PhD student Tomáš Medek.
List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees for January and February 2025.
The Dean of the MU Faculty of Science awards prizes to outstanding collaborating organizations, schools, and individuals. One of the thirteen awards was received by Dr. Vjačeslav Sochora from the SHM company. SHM deals with developing, researching, and preparing PVD coatings for components and various tools.