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Download EBF Fit

EBF Fit is being developed as a freeware. You can use it without limitations.

Version Description
1.0 Installation program for Win XP, 7, 8. Contains the program, database for Ti I and Ti II and sample spectra (last update 2. 3. 2016!)
1.3 Installation program for Win 10. Contains the program, NEW database for Ti I, Ti II, Al I, Al II (beta version!, 24. 10. 2023)

The application of EBF method for density determination of titanium atoms and ions can be found in the following publication:
P Vasina, M Fekete, J Hnilica, P Klein, L Dosoudilova, P Dvorak and Z Navratil (2015) Determination of titanium atom and ion densities in sputter deposition plasmas by optical emission spectroscopy Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 065022 DOI 10.1088/0963-0252/24/6/065022.