Seminář ÚFE: Juan Antonio Zapien
15. prosince 2022
11:00 – 11:50 - posluchárna F1, budova 6, areál PřF Kotlářská 2
Zveme Vás na přednášku semináře Ústavu fyzikální elektroniky. Tentokrát nás navštíví zahraniční host Juan Antonio Zapien pracující na univerzitě v Hong Kongu.
The many ways to perform a Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) optical simulation of spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) data
Juan Antonio Zapien*, May Thawda Phoo, Yishu Foo, Rashedul Md Huqe
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. SAR
* JAZ:
I start this presentation by providing an overview of the FDTD implementation to model SE data developed by our group. Special attention will be given to the strategies needed to achieve sub-monolayer accuracy with computational speeds that allow optical parameter optimization on desktop servers [1]. Next, I will illustrate the use of this strategy quantitative FDTD-SE for the study of Bloch surface waves (BSW) in sensing applications. In the final part, I will present our proposed strategy to develop novel IS-IO strategies for energy storage materials and devices. Extending the capabilities of SE for routine characterization of electrochemical devices used in energy conversion and storage is a challenging task. Top-performing devices for electrochemical energy storage are notoriously difficult to characterize optically because the low light penetration range of the materials used for batteries and supercapacitors limits SE’s phase sensitivity advantage. However, the prospect of overcoming these difficulties remains highly attractive because of the low-cost and relatively simple implementation of optical strategies compared to well-established electron-based IS-IO strategies. A roadmap to develop SE-based IS-IO capabilities is proposed based on the well-established and demanding sub-nm characterization of optical critical dimension (OCD) by the semiconductor industry.
Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, of Hong Kong SAR, PRC (Projects Nos. CityU 11210218 and 11215121).
[1] Foo Y., Zapien J.A.*, Convergence and precision characteristics of finite difference time domain method for the analysis of spectroscopic ellipsometry data at oblique incidence, Applied Surface Science 421 (2017) 878. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.12.165.

Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR PRC
Juan Antonio Zapien is an Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of City University of Hong Kong. He teaches undergraduate and doctoral courses in optics, materials science, and nano-photonics, among others. He was born in the state of Michoacan in Mexico; he received his Physics degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1994 and his Ph. D. degree from The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State, USA) in December 2000.
His current research interests include energy storage and conversion in nanomaterials for battery and supercapacitor applications as well as plasmonic and photonic nanostructures for life sciences, energy generation and storage, light emission, and sensing.
He has published three book chapters and 180+ publications that have received more than 8700 citations with h-index 51 (Scopus Author ID: 6701453903). He has participated as an invited speaker in more than 30 international conferences and is involved as organizer of several workshops and scientific conferences in Mexico, the United States, and Hong Kong. Antonio is the main organizer of NANOMXCN: Mexico-China Workshop on NANO Materials / Science / Technology, a series of workshops to promote scientific and technological collaboration between Mexico and China with the active participation of colleagues and collaborators worldwide.

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