Seminář ÚFE: Mgr. Matej Fekete, Ph.D.
4. května 2023
11:00 – 11:50 - posluchárna F1, budova 6, areál PřF Kotlářská 2
Zveme Vás na přednášku semináře Ústavu fyzikální elektroniky. Přednáší Dr. Matej Fekete z našeho ústavu.
Mgr. Matej Fekete, Ph.D. - On the thermal shock behavior of MAX phase thin films
Thermal shock resistance is one of the performance-defining properties for applications where extreme temperature gradients are required. The thermal shock resistance of a material can be described by means of the thermal shock parameter RT. The presented thermo-mechanical properties required for RT calculation are quantum-mechanically predicted and experimentally determined and compared for Ti3AlC2 and Cr2AlC MAX phases. The coatings are synthesized utilizing direct-current magnetron sputtering without additional heating, followed by vacuum annealing. It is shown that the RT of both Ti3AlC2 and Cr2AlC obtained via simulations are in good agreement with the experimentally obtained ones. Comparing the MAX phase coatings, both experiments and simulations indicate superior thermal shock behavior of Ti3AlC2 compared to Cr2AlC, attributed primarily to the larger linear coefficient of thermal expansion of Cr2AlC. The presented results underline the potential of ab initio calculations for predicting the thermal shock behavior of ionically-covalently bonded materials.

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