Seminář ÚFKL: Benjamin Daniel
28. dubna 2021
11:00 - Semináře se konají online.
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Benjamin Daniel (ÚPT AVČR Brno):
Scanning low energy electron micro-spectroscopy
Scanning low energy electron microscopy (SLEEM) has been developed and improved at the Institute of Scientific Instruments for the past 25 years. However, even after this long time contrast formation of SLEEM images is not well understood. A key part towards improved understanding is investigation of low energy electron – solid interactions. In recent years a SLEEM setup with attached time-of-flight (ToF) spectrometer for transmitted electrons has been developed, allowing energy spectroscopy with lateral resolution of the SLEEM. A major goal of this novel system is investigation of electron transmission through thin films of varying thickness as a "door into the solid".
This presentation consists of two sections: First, an introduction into the used SLEEM-ToF system and data processing will be given. The second part contains results obtained with the system and an outlook towards future experiments and planned use of obtained data.
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