Seminář ÚFKL: Milan Orlita
8. listopadu 2023
11:00 -
Semináře se konají v posluchárně F1 v budově Fyziky.
Ústav fyziky kondenzovaných látek vás zve na přednášku
Milan Orlita (French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, Grenoble, France): Magneto-optics of van-der-Waals antiferromagnets
Infrared and THz magneto-spectroscopy serves as a relevant tool for investigating a wide range of low-energy excitations in solids. During my presentation, I will provide a succinct overview of research activities employing this experimental technique combined with the high-magnetic-field facility at the LNCMI in Grenoble. My talk will be primarily focused on recent results obtained on layered antiferromagnets, particularly those belonging to the FePS3 family. These investigations have revealed a surprisingly complex magneto-optical response which goes beyond the conventional picture of classical antiferromagnetic resonance. We interpret it in terms of magnon-polarons and magnon excitations with high angular momenta.
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