Binary Black Hole Systems As Gravitational Analogs To Ion Traps

  • 27 June 2024
    4:00 PM
  • lecture room F1, building No. 6, Kotlářská 2 campus, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

Ali Kurmuş – Binary Black Hole Systems As Gravitational Analogs To Ion Traps

In this presentation, we investigate the parallels between binary black hole systems and ion traps, specifically Paul and Penning traps. Ion traps are essential tools in fields like quantum computing high-precision spectroscopy, and numerous other domains. By comparing binary black hole systems to ion traps, we draw three conclusions.

First, the analogy between these naturally occurring cosmic phenomena and artificially constructed laboratory systems provides a unique and thought-provoking perspective. Second, the binary black hole systems examined here are unique in the current literature, representing the only known instances of three-dimensional gravitational trapping without orbital motion, where particles remain confined in a three-dimensional region. Third, our analysis suggests the potential for obtaining electromagnetic signatures from binary black hole mergers within these setups, offering new insights for observational astrophysics.

This talk aims to bridge the gap between astrophysics and experimental physics, demonstrating the profound similarities between two seemingly disparate fields and highlighting the broader implications of these findings.

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