Sensorics for the 21st Century project is launched

From March 2023, a new project Sensorics for the 21st Century is launched. Scientists from Prof. Petr Vašina's research group Deposition of Thin Films and Nanostructures and CEPLANT centre will work on this project until June 2026. They will develop new sensors for industrial applications with co-investigators of the MATCA National Centre of Competence.

24 Apr 2023 Tereza Schmidtová

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To develop new sensors for industrial applications, especially in the fields of water management, foundry and materials engineering, are the goals of another NCK MATCA project called Sensorics for 21st Century (TN02000069/001N). This project was selected as one of the twelve projects supported under the National Recovery Plan. The NCK MATCA is coordinated by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU CAS), which has been granted 144 million CZK. The project will last 3.5 years and is funded by the European Union. The main investigator of the project Sensorics for the 21st Century is FZU CAS.

Scientists from the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology are involved in the project with fourteen other academic and industrial partners. The project will have 13 deliverables - functional samples, utility models, and validated technologies. You can read more about the project here.

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