4 Mar 2020 Seminar ÚFKL: Tomáš Novák 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Tomáš Novák (ON Semiconductor, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm): GaN-on-Si substrates and applications for power electronics
4 Mar 2020 Lectures Ruhr University Bochum: Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell, Julian Held, Sascha Monje 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Department of Physical Electronics invites you to lectures: Ruhr University Bochum: Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell "Nanosecond Plasmas in Liquids - ignition, cavitation, plasma propagation", Julian Held, Sascha Monje "Transport in HiPIMS plasmas - phase resolved plasma diagnostics"
29 Feb 2020 The Representative Ball of the Faculty of Science 7:00 PM You are invited to dance on the ball of the Faculty of Science!
27 Feb 2020 Seminář ÚFE doc. J. Kúdelčík (Žilina) 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM doc. J. Kúdelčík (Žilina) Štúdium magnetickej kvapaliny v magnetickom a elektrickom poli
26 Feb 2020 Seminar ÚFKL: Margareta Wagner 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Margareta Wagner (CEITEC VUT Brno): In2O3(111): Surface Structure and Identification of OH Groups from Water Dissociation
14 Feb 2020 Seminar ÚFKL: Petr Steindl 1:00 PM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Petr Steindl: Towards a quantum dot-based source of photonic cluster states
3 Feb 2020 Astronomy seminar - Astrophysics and Cepheids 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM We want to invite you to special astronomy seminar given by Bogumił Pilecki "Is the space weather important to us?"
28 Jan 2020 Open Day MUNI 2020 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Find out how individual programmes differ and what you can expect during your studies. What hands-on experience you would get during your studies? What career options would you have? Come and experience what is it like to study physics at MU.
9 Jan 2020 Building Up Space-based High-Energy Astrophysics 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM We would like to invite you for presentation given by our college Norbert Werner, which will be focused on cutting edge space-based high-energy astrophysics at Masaryk University performed using both large space observatories and new innovative nanosatellites partially developed in collaboration with the budding space industry in Brno.
7 Jan 2020 Christening of the book Fusion - the Energy of the Universe 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Brno Observatory and Planetarium would like to invite you for christening of the second translation of book Fusion – the Energy of the Universe by authors Garry McCracken a Peter Scott, which had been substantially enhanced and updated. The event will take place in the Hall of Large Planetarium 7th of January 2020 at 17:30.
4 Dec 2019 Seminar ÚFKL: Vojtěch Uhlíř 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Vojtěch Uhlíř (CEITEC VUT Brno): Confinement effects and dynamics of magnetic phase transition in FeRh structures
4–6 Dec 2019 INNOLEC lectures - Asteroseismology 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM We would like to invite you for course about Asteroseismology given by Dr. Paul G. Beck
25 Sep 2019 Seminar ÚFKL: Josef Humlíček 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Josef Humlíček: UVhope: Optical spectroscopy of CuCl/Si nanocrystals
4 Jun INNOLEC lecture: Prof. Diederik Depla 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Department of Plasma Physics and Technology and CEPLANT center cordially invite you to an INNOLEC lecture from a foreing guest from Ghent University, Belgium: Diederik Depla – Fundamental aspects of reactive sputtering
1 Feb INNOLEC lecture: Jacopo Profili, Ph.D. 11:00 AM Department of Plasma Physics and Technology cordially invites you to an INNOLEC lecture from a foreing guest from Université Laval, Canada: Jacopo Profili – Organosilicon coatings made by a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure: toward a better understanding of the fragmentation processes
17 May 2023 Seminar ÚFKL: Emanuele Pelucchi 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the INNOLEC project lecture Emanuele Pelucchi (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland):Site-controlled quantum dots and engineering of quantum dot states
3 May 2023 Seminar ÚFKL: Stephan Reitzenstein 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Stephan Reitzenstein (Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)Development and deterministic nanofabrication of single quantum dot devices for applications in photonic quantum technologies
14 Jun 2022 INNOLEC lecture: Assoc. Prof. Rocío Rincón Liévana 2:30 PM – 3:20 PM Invitation to INNOLEC lecture Assoc. Prof. Rocío Rincón Liévana: "Microwave plasmas at atmospheric pressure for hydrogen production and 2D materials assembly"
18 May 2022 Seminar ÚFKL: Jan Čechal 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Jan Čechal, Ph.D. (CEITEC Brno University of Technology and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT):Low Energy Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Surface Science
12 May 2022 DPE Seminar: dr. Nicolas Naudé 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM Invitation to Seminar of Department of Physical Electronics dr. Nicolas Naudé: "Homogeneous Dielectric Barrier Discharges at atmospheric pressure: physics and applications"
4 May 2022 Seminar ÚFKL: Krzysztof Wohlfeld 11:00 AM Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture Krzysztof Wohlfeld (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) – the INNOLEC project guest:Understanding the complex states of quantum matter with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
15 Jun 2023 Jana Jurmanová, Luboš Poláček – Mysterious pump and two buckets of physical questions 5:00 PM
19 Jan 2023 Vojtěch Beneš, Mirek Kubera, Tomáš Nečas - E-manuel - Online Textbook of High School Physics 5:00 PM
15 Dec 2022 Jan Smolek, Martina Mrkvičková, Pavel Konečný - Secrets of candles - Christmas get-together with a candle and Michael Faraday's book 5:00 PM
3 Nov 2022 Zdeněk Bochníček - Physics Teachers' Inventions Fair reverberation: Green Deal in examples 5:00 PM
27 Sep 2019 Scientists Night – Environmentally friendly 6:00 PM – 11:59 PM Celorepubliková vědecko-popularizační akce, která zapojuje všechny lidi do inspirujícího prostředí vědy.
31 Oct 2018 Zdeněk Bochníček: Neviditelné světlo 2:00 PM Uvidíte, co jste ještě neviděli – a to doslova.