Některé mé programy a užitečné utilitky / My programs for calculating reflectivity a some other useful utilities |
- is a package of programs for calculating and fitting the specular and diffuse x-ray reflectivity.
Program x_fit calculates and fits the reflectivity from general periodical
multilayer with fractal interfaces dynamically. In the non-specular case one can select the semikinematical (faster) or dynamical calculation.
The program can calculate and fit any omega-2theta, omega or 2theta scans or simulate reciprocal space maps
including both specular and diffuse reflectivity. The standard matrix formalism [1] is used for specular case and DWBA method
for non-specular case [2]. Gaussian interfaces are assumed in the model. Program rk_idfit
calculates and fits only specular reflection curves using matrix
formalism from only identical layers (interfaces). Then we have only one parametr roughness and periodical multilayers cannot
be taken into account in this case. The last program for specular reflectivity is rk_anfit,
which is almost the same as previous one but for non-identical layers and only for specular reflectivity.
Moreover the difference between rk_anfit and x_fit is in the fittng method, x_fit uses numerical calculation of derivatives
and rk_anfit uses analitical derivation.
[1] M. Born, E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, New York, Pergamon Press, (1964)
[2] V. Holy and T. Baumbach, Phys. Ref. B 49, 10668 (1994) - rozvrh
- here I have made for me a practical table for teaching schedule in TeX. The command
\ba{[1 hour description]}, \bb{[2 hours description]} or \bc{[3 hours description]} must be included between signs
&, which split cells in the table. Using more teaching hours, it is necessary to remove corresponding
number of splitters. The example is shown in the image below.
- zde jsem si vytvořil praktický rozvrh hodin v TEXu. Mezi znaky &, které oddělují buňky v tabulce, je třeba vložit příkaz \ba{[popis 1 hodiny]} \bb{[popis 2 hodin]} nebo \bc{[popis 3 hodin]}, při použití více hodin je nutné ubrat patřičný počet oddělovačů. Zde je příklad, jak tento rozvrh může vypadat.