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What I was doing in my PhD study/ Čím jsem se zabýval v postgraduálním studiu

X-ray reflectivity on lateraly structured multilayers/ Rtg reflexe laterálně strukturovaných multivrstev

Recently I have finished the PhD study concerned about X-ray reflectivity on lateraly structured multilayers and on features closely connected with quantum structures. These structures are mainly used for fabrication of semiconductor lasers. They can be fabricated by etching after the growth or directly during the growth of the multilayer. The last structures are called self-assembled quantum dots and wires. Such structures have dimensions of orders of tens or hundreds nanometers and have special properties which can be explained only with quantum physics. During the study I focus mainly on strucural parameters - dimensions, strain and correlation parameters - and to study possibilities of the growth of these heterostructures. It is relatively new method and many properties and growth processes are not known yet.

The finished theses are available originally in czech languague.

Nevertheless, if you are interested in my thesis, you can download the unofficial english translation as a pdf file - Thesis_pdf_eng.zip.
But please take into account that this only a fast translation where still some errors differing little from the czech version can occur.

Pokud Vás má dizertační práce zajímá podrobněji, můžete si ji stáhnout ve formě pdf souboru - Thesis_pdf.zip (czech) .

Investigation of self assembled ripples

Simulation of reflectivity from AFM